Spend a week, just a week start working on all of those things you want done. Start Monday and finish Friday the rewards are endless!

Email me! motherofnagykids@gmail.com
let me help you, help yourself

Start with a goal, finish with peace of mind and a daily routine that you can be proud of

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Decorating tips for Holidays

I love the holidays, whether it's Thanksgiving to Easter and all in between. There are many fun ways to celebrate all the holidays with decorating. I keep my decorations in labeled storage bins (see below) for easy access at any time. I add to the fun each season when the clearance is on, and sometimes I purchase a few key items at reg price. The trick is to put it ALL away. WHY? because you will find it easier, it will be in good condition and you will FEEL better if you store it properly.

Halloween to me is all about spooky- fun. I make a lot of decorations to save money, and they can be reused! it doesn't have to be expensive but you can add to your collections each year.

Go ahead! start off the season with deco's from the dollar store, cut out some pumpkins, ghosts and bats for the windows. HAVE FUN! and then buy a bin to put it all in for next year. I recommend a large tote or several bins like I have. The more room the better, so you don't feel restricted purchasing if you find something you love. 

Christmas lights can be wound around egg cartons, or ornaments in them, save old cereal boxes for glass ornaments to be wrapped in with newspaper. And Wrapping paper can be cleverly stored for next year in the back of a closet door.

I LOVED this idea also, a shoe organizer under the bed for your ornaments. BRILLIANT! they are less likely to be disturbed and should stay tucked in safe and sound. 

Happy Halloween from the Organization Queen.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Treat yourself to a new item for you home from time to time. Not only will you feel good about your purchase but you'll feel good about doing something for yourself. Some stores I highly recommend are Jysk, Winners, Bed Bath and Beyond and Ikea. EASY home decorating and reasonable prices. Happy shopping!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I ALWAYS recommend paint as a design/decor and even organize helper. Why? because it will liven up a space and make it feel homey which in turn will make you treat that space better. Like that quote that says we treat pretty people better-it's probably true. You don't have to know paint to get some just go into your local paint store (mine is Home Depot) and ask them for help with colors, textures and supplies. Although I buy my supplies from the ever friendly dollar store. Don't overwhelm yourself with doing it all in one day. Plan for a week of painting per room, that way you feel more accomplished and less rushed. It usually takes me 2-3 days to prep and fully finish a room. If you're still stuck, remember you can always hire the Organization Queen! I will prep, paint, and put the room back to beautiful in 2 days. Email for more info.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pride In Your Home

A home is your sanctuary, your haven. It provides you with comfort, warmth, food and a place to relax. Shouldn't it feel special? take the time to make your home YOURS. If you rent so what! paint, decorate... recreate. You are the master of your domain. Personalizing a space is the best way to feel like it's your own. Even if only for now. Now go, make a cup of tea and brainstorm.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Revamp, Redo, Renew

Pick up the toys, clutter, diapers WASH the dishes and sweep... vacuum. Right? easier said than done! these days kids seem to take over our homes like lollipops stuck on furniture. They leave a sticky residue behind their cute behinds at each turn.. Am I right? we repeat things to ourselves to do them we make lists, notes and cell phone reminders. When does it end? well, 18 ish... right? tell THAT to your husbands under ware on the floor beside the bed *ahem*. 

It's learned behaviour really, and we set the example... no really YOU do. Children are our best mimics and without us they would be living up to their eyeballs in candy, dirty clothes and poo. Yep I said it P-O-O. so how do we teach what we don't know ourselves? we learn it. 

My plan was to learn a process that I could complete each day and be proud of myself for doing so. Let's start from there. A daily task... err... thing... uhhh, lets call it a DO... a daily "do" to get my confidence up! I evaluated all of the things I would LIKE to "do" and made a list. Beds, floors, counters, dishes and so on. Stepping on one too many Lego blocks and dropping the F-bomb made me add toys to the list, and soon after allergies made me sneeze my way to the dusting part. Whatever works! 

Today's task: create this blog to help teach others the things I learned myself. H-E-L-P the common pack-rat, messy mouse and dirty duck. Whatever you call yourself, you can call me the Organization Queen.